Understanding Your Stress Response.

Hi friends

Do you find yourself coming down with a cold or virus as soon as you go on annual leave?

You’re not alone! Research indicates that around 1 in 5 of us will come down with the common cold during a period of annual leave.

And this recent article by the New York Times cited that being under severe stress for more than one month but less than six months doubled a person’s risk of a cold, compared with people experiencing only routine stress.

But what is routine versus severe stress? And what does it have to do with us catching a cold?

Well, it’s all down to how you respond to the stress in your life and in this month’s lifetonic, we’re going to be digging deeper into what your stress response is, why stress can sometimes be good for you and how to look out for the ‘bad’ stress that’s not so good!

You’ll also learn about your three in-built responses to stress, looking at three of the most powerful ways you can control the physiological effects of stress with your TLC tools and resources.

So if you’re looking to book that annual leave for the Christmas Holidays and actually get to make the most of it, then this is the lifetonic for you!

What is stress?

Quite simply, stress occurs when pressure exceeds your perceived ability to cope.

This is really important to understand, because it’s not just about external pressures like hitting deadlines, but whether you believe that you can cope with a situation that you perceive as important or threatening.

That means stress is going to be different for every body!

The good news is, through experience, understanding your stress response and developing helpful coping mechanism, you can actually get good at stress and it can help to make you more resilient for whatever life throughs at you.

This line of thinking is rooted in positive psychology and is often called developing a ‘growth mindset.’

Understanding Your Stress Response

The stress response is a biological set of processes that start in the brain and body and are triggered once you become stressed (Palmer and Cooper, 2015).

It is important to note that there are two biological responses to stress; a short term stress response, which is a natural response to dealing with threating situations, and a long term or ‘chronic’ stress response, which can lead to a number of different physical and mental health conditions if left unmanaged.

The diagram below is actually a diagram I put together for my stress coaching certification. It helps to explain the long and short term stress response, including the main hormones involved.

The blue areas illustrate the short term or ‘acute‘ stress response. Acute stress is the ‘good’ stress or the healthy response to stress. This is the stress that protects you from the threat of danger and can help motivate you to get things done, achieve a goal or complete a project on time.

Here’s the cool bit – acute stress supports your immunue system. For example, the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline help to prepare your heart, lungs and major muscles groups for action (fight or flight mode), whilst fats and sugars are released into your blood to provide energy.

Combined, they’re actually working for you, helping you to stay safe or ‘get the job done.’ This response prepares you for action. When you take that action, or ‘get the job done,’ your using up that energy your body has given you to remove the stress, helping it to return to balance. This is called regulating your stress response.

Where we can run into hot water, is where we don’t take any action to regulate our stress system. Instead, we just let stress go round and round, taking ourselves into a cycle of chronic or long term stress.

The orange area illustrate the longer term, ‘chronic‘ stress cycle and is epitomised by the ‘always on’ culture. .

The chronic stress response is made in your HPA Axis (Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Adrenal).

Constant stimulation of the HPA axis can lower the body’s immune system and increase blood pressure leading to hypertension and regular headaches and colds. 

And although adrenal fatigue is not a real condition, it goes some way to describing the ‘stress’ that the adrenal gland is put out during periods of chronic stress. Chronic stress puts it at risk of malfunction, which can result in tiredness, digestive difficulties, sleep disturbances, dizziness and a craving for sweet and starchy food.

Sound familiar?

Our in-built responses to stress

There are only three 3 ways your body responds to stress. These are:

In this lifetonic, we’re mainly going to be looking at the physiological responses but stand by for future lifetonics, which will look at important aspects of the other two.

Resetting your Stress Response

Whether you’re aware of it or not, the tools and resources that you have access to within the lifetonic Club offer you a mind / body / life approach to managing your stress response and boosting your wellbeing.

The only thing you have to do is to take action!

This is the hard part of most of us. No longer do we have tigers chasing us, so taking action on our stress response has become less about survival. It’s a mind set shift we have to make – it IS still very much about our survival, the long term survival of our health, our relationships and our life!

Let’s look at how some of the tools and resources with TLC are set up to support this:

Wellbeing Resources

10 minutes is better than none

One of the best known ways to lower your stress levels is through exercise (White, 2017,; Palmer and Cooper, 2015).  In his book ‘The Stress Solution,’ Dr. Raangan Chatterjee states that exercise is one of the best ways to pull yourself out of a “damaging stress state,” caused by too many “Micro Stress Doses” (MSD). 

This is a term he uses to describe the modern day ‘always on’ culture (texts, emails, alerts, notifications). MSD cause your body to pump out cortisol over and over again. Moving helps to use up that cortisol and sends a ‘safe’ signal to your brain, triggering the rest and digest response.

One of the best findings of recent years is that it’s no longer about duration or intensity, but the importance of moving your body as much as possible each day, and paying attention to how you feel before and after that can really have the most impact (Chatterjee, 2017).

Eat more anti-inflammatory foods

Maintaining a healthy diet plays an important part in maintaining a healthy body and mind (White, 2017).

Chronic stress increases chronic inflammaton in the body but the good new is, eating well can help reduce inflammation (Charterjee, 2017) and prevent things like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and even cancer.

Central to this is eating a balanced, healthy diet. This can include things like healthy fats (avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil, oily fish like salmon), complex carbohydrates and foods that are high in fibre (green, leafy veg, wholegrain pasta, rice, bread, sweet potato and fruit), protein (lean meat, chicken eggs, lentils) and avoiding refined sugar, overly processed food and unhealthy fats (saturated and trans fats) (White, 2017; Palmer and Cooper, 2015).

Did you know that anti-inflammatory foods can also help you to regulate your mood and perform better?

To help us dive a little deeper into this subject, I’m delighted to bring you a BONUS series this month called ‘Food for Mood.’

These short videos, (all under 10 minutes), have been created for us by our brilliant in-house nutritionist, Moira Newiss and you watch them below for some helpful hints and tips about how to use food for mood!

Learn to relax

There are many mind body techniques that can use used to help enter a state of calm and relaxation and reduce the effects of stress and tension, including meditation, breathwork, relaxation imagery and pilates (Chatterjee, 2018).  

All of these techniques work by enhancing the para-sympathetic nervous system helping you to access your ‘rest and digest’ state. 

Palmer and Cooper (2015) state that “mediative techniques can lead to 50 per cent fewer visits to hospital as either an in or out patient.”

In my opinion, movement that strengthens and nourishes your body, a diet that’s fulled by whole, real foods and taking time out to promote healing and relaxation in your body and mind are the holy trinity of controlling your response to stress at a physiological level.

Work towards building your own unique toolkit for respoinding to your stress by picking one or two things to focus on for this month.

I hope you are starting to feel the benefits of what taking small, intentional steps with your health can really do for you.

Have a peaceful October.

Download your October Mindtonic for daily inspiration:

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Detoxifying Your Home

Hi Friends

This year, I’ve been on a journey trying to create a healthier home. It’s involved trying to understand what ‘toxins’ I expose myself to and then taking small steps to try and reduce this.

Toxins are harmful substances that are derived from food, water, cleaning products, and other environmental sources that we are exposed to regularly.

Many everyday cleaners, beauty products, and home goods, including cookware, often hide harmful chemical ingredients and an accumulation of toxins may become poisonous in the human body. Many of them have been linked to various health hazards including asthma, endocrine disruption, organ damage, and cancer.

how to detoxify your home blog post

The solution? Consider a home detox. And while it may not be impossible to go completely chemical-free (at least overnight), there are a few changes you can start today that can make huge strides towards a healthier home and a happier you.

1. Swap your cleaning products

Think about all that you touch in your home. Surfaces, showers, tubs, sinks, handles, etc. Now think about what you’re using to clean them. Are they safe?

If the answer is no, that’s your first step. Switching to non-toxic cleaners is one of the easiest things you can do!

I recently discovered Method cleaning products, which are all non-toxic and also offer product refills, making them more economical and environmentally friendly. On that note, you can read more about their story and mission here, which might spurn you on to give them a try as they’re also supporting a healthier, cleaner world.

Their cleaning products include:

And they all smell amazing!

I’ve noticed that it’s not the cheapest switch in the world to make (have you noticed how nothing good for you is ever cheap?!). So my other recommendation comes in the form of wearing PPE when you’re cleaning.

I had never considered this before covid, but the mask will protect your lungs from breathing back in the spray and the gloves will act as a barrier between the product you’re using and your skin. It’s a bit of a no brainer!

2. Read ingredient labels

Did you know that for decades Johnson and Johnson used asbestos in it’s talc powder? You should read this article by Reuters to find out just how big brands can sometimes make big profits at the expense of your health.

What you put in your body isn’t the only thing that matters; what goes on your body can impact your health, too. And whilst the market in the UK is much more regulated than in other countries like America, I’d advocate that it’s still important to stay educated on what harmful ingredients may be hiding in your favorite facial cleanser or sunscreens (these have come under wrap in the USA of lately).

One big step you can take towards smarter shopping: familiarise yourself with common ingredients that may be harmful to your health, like parabens (a preservative) and triclosan (an antibacterial agent) and know in what products they are often found in.

Buy organic where cost allows (it’s expensive!), avoid GMO products and consult the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists, which I’ve linked for you. Both of these detail the 15 cleanest and dirtiest products according to the pesticides used on them.

3. Burn all natural candles

If you’re a fan of burning a candle like me, then I recently made the switch to non-toxic candles!

I’m a big candle person and I didn’t realize that many of the regular candles I was burning were putting tons of toxins into the air in my home. I now make sure to buy only non-toxic candles.

My absolute favourite brand that I’ve discovered is Jo Jo Candles. This is a brand local to where I live, so it also feels nice to support a small business who’s doing some good!

I regularly buy her soy wax candles, which also have lead free cotton wicks, making them candles that are kinder to you and our environment.

Do a search on instagram and facebook to see who you can support locally – so many small businesses that are doing good have popped up over lockdown so let’s support them where we can!

Green plants in bedroom for blog post

4. Add plants to purify the air

A simple way to filter out some toxins from the air is to have house plants. Plants are natural air purifiers and are an amazing addition to any home. They also look really pretty and bring a very calming feel to your space.

I like to have plants in every single room if possible, specifically in the areas where I spend the bulk of my time. I’m just trying to get a home office / 1:1 pilates studio sorted, so I’ll be plant shopping for this space. My bedroom has lots of plants as does my living room.

5. Switch to non-toxic cookwear

Time to toss the teflon guys!

Materials and metals like aluminum, plastic, lead, and Teflon can pose serious risks to your health and are prevalent in a lot of cookware items

Teflon is the trademarked coating that makes non-stick cookware non-stick. It was a gamechanger for cooking when it was introduced around 80 years ago. The issue is that these coatings (which contain compounds like PFOA or PTFE), are highly toxic and have been linked to cancer, hormone disruption, organ failure, reproductive damage, and other health issues (check out the film Dark Waters and the documentary The Devil We Know for a deeper dive into the health risks).

Newer nonstick coatings, like Teflon, technically no longer contain PFOA and PFOS, On top of that, high heat causes the chemicals to break down, releasing toxic fumes. Additionally, PFOAs and PTFEs don’t biodegrade – which means they can accumulate in our bodies increasing the risk of damage.

To wrap up this month’s lifetonic, here are some healthy cookware swaps for you…

Ceramic coated

Look for one that’s certified by third-party testing and free of PFAs, PFOA, lead, and cadmium. I personally have swapped to Green Pans and love them!


Ceramic is great as it’s completely inert—meaning it won’t leach any harmful toxins. Ceramic pans are generally free of heavy metals, polymers, coatings, and dyes, plus, they’re dishwasher safe! 

Stainless Steel

When shopping you will see numbers like 200, 304, 316, and 430, the higher the number the stronger, longer-lasting it is and the less nickel content it will have.


I’ve moved away from plastic for environmental reasons. Pyrex is the most popular cookware brand but there are many others!

Porcelain enamel

Enameled cookware is usually made of cast iron that has been coated in enamel (think Le Creuset). This is out of my price range but the perk of this cookware is that it won’t rust, in contrast, to cast irons, and should last you a lifetime!

Taking time to find out more about the products and things you use, is another example of how you can be intentional with your health; making decisions that are all going to add up in your journey to become the healthiest version of yourself.

Your task this month, is to pick one area from the five above, do your own research, and then make a positive change in your own life.

What one will choose? Will you share your journey with us in our Facebook Group? I hope so – it’s a great way to help us all learn on this journey!

Have a good month and be kind to yourself.

NB. This is NOT a sponsored post nor affiliate related. I do not personally know any of these companies nor do I receive any payment for recommending them. I just wanted to share a few recommendations to help you in your journey and would encourage you to do your own research.


Download your September Mindtonic for daily inspiration:

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Brain health

Hi friends

For this month’s Lifetonic, we’re turning our attention towards focusing on a part of our body that we often don’t realise needs a lot of care and attention…

…and that’s our brain!

We rely on our brains to help us do everything we can possibly do in a day, making decisions, moving our bodies, talking to ourselves positively, interacting with others, problem solving, communicating.  Most of these things we do automatically and we can take our brain function hugely for granted, but our brains are an important part of our bodies to care for.

When we care for our brains regularly, we improve our chances of delaying or avoiding age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative disorders. We can also improve our overall cognitive function.

But what does that mean for us?

Brain health is essential for long-term healthy living and daily function. While it’s important to start taking care of our brains early on, it becomes even more important the older we get.

That’s why this month’s Lifetonic is to focus on ways to boost our brain health!

Neuroinflammation, or inflammation of the brain, can happen over time, causing the brain to age or atrophy. Symptoms of neuroinflammation can include “brain fog,” slowed thinking, fatigue, and even depression.

While it’s necessary for our bodies to have some inflammation to fight illness, too much inflammation can lead to long-term diseases and declines in our overall health, including brain function.

Here are a few positive steps you can actively and mindfully take, to improve your brain’s overall health:

“Reducing inflammation is pretty much the most effective anti-aging strategy of all.” – Dave Asprey

As we get older, our bodies and brains change and adapt. That’s why it’s so important to take care of them as they go through this process.

Many people don’t notice the effects of their lifestyles until they get older. And while genetics do play a part in our overall health, we can make mindful choices to help us continue on the path to good physical and brain health.

I hope you’ll join me this month in caring for our brain health together. Taking intentional steps to care for your body and brain for long-term health benefits is truly empowering and helps keep us young!

Love Julie x



Download your August Mindtonic for daily inspiration:

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The importance of rest & play

Hi Friends

The summer brings us all a chance to find a second gear and tap into our fun sides!  I think this year, finding time to play is especially important after a missed summer in 2020!

The mental and physical health benefits of play are HUGE, and we’re looking at some of them in this month’s lifetonic, PLUS I’ll give you a kick start list for some ways you might want to inject a bit of fun into the summer month’s ahead.

We’re also looking at the flip side of having fun, which is making time for rest. 

As we transition out of a full lockdown (fingers crossed), there can be a tendency to over commit ourselves!  So this month, I’m prepping you to find a balance between rest and play.

So let’s step away from any to-do list for July and make an intentional decision to nurture our health and wellbeing by having more rest AND play!

What are rest and play?

Rest is truly a time to do nothing. It’s a blank spot in your schedule to stop, reflect, and just be with you. It is also a time to sleep; it’s true we need sleep.  Rest can be a 10-minute break to sit outside at work, or it can be a few minutes to sit on the couch at home without turning on the TV, checking your phone, or hopping on the laptop!  It can be a short (disco!) nap, or a moment to just kick back and close your eyes.

Play is to do something just for the fun and enjoyment of it, with no goal or expected outcome. When we are in play, it opens us to being present, and it invites us to experience joy.  

For everyone play will look different; it might be reflected in your hobbies and interests or the relationships you have in your life. Play can be activities you do on your own, but it is also great when we can do them with other people in our lives. When we share in play, we strengthen connections with others; our children, our partners and even our communities, depending on what we do.

One of the biggest and best benefits of play, is enhancing bonding; either on a personal level or a social level.

Ultimately we can use it as a way to connect and forget about our worries, and that’s what can make it so good for our health.

Why are rest and play important?

Rest and play provide us the opportunity to clear our heads, process emotional experiences, and sort our thoughts.  Although we might not be directly focused on the processing and sorting of thoughts, quite often it happens indirectly.

Play inherently makes way for creativity and innovation, strengthening our ability to problem solve and navigate difficult decisions. Including more play in our lives also encourages us to be present and experience positive emotions like joy and laughter, which in turn helps to balance our lives when we are going through difficult times.

During rest, our brain is able to process with less influence from the cognitive functions that are active throughout the day, also giving that cognitive part of our brain a break. When we get sufficient rest, and sleep, we also increase our emotional resiliency, giving us a greater capacity to cope under stressful situations.

summer ice cream

What gets in the way of rest and play?

So why do we keep ourselves from rest and play?

For everyone it might look a little different, but for a lot of us we value productivity. Being a productive person means getting things done; when we get things done we see that as an achievement.

We lead busy lives, in part because we value those achievements, so to make time for rest and play would mean we would need to value our own well-being. Sometimes slowing down is worth more than finishing a task, and to play would mean we could allow ourselves to experience joy.

Making space for rest and play, if it isn’t easy to fit into your schedule, needs to be intentional. It needs to be looking at your day and making time to play, even if it is just 10 or 20 minutes (hello Bodytonic Calender for this month).

Taking a rest at work because you are having a hard time focusing can be as easy as doing nothing! Simply just be.

Ideas for more rest and play

Start to make a list of things you like to do for fun, ask the rest of your family or some friends to do the same, and see if anything overlaps. 

The overlaps are the things you can do to play together!

Am starting you off with a few suggestions for having FUN this July:

Please share in our Facebook community what you’ll lead with…I’d love to know!

Have a fun July!

Love Julie x


Download your July Mindtonic for daily inspiration:

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Whether you’re a member of The Lifetonic Club, have downloaded one of my free resources or follow along on my YouTube channel, today I’m sharing a few quick tips to help you stay on track with an at-home workout.

a pilates mat set up for an at-home workout.

Why pilates is perfect for an at-home workout

Unlike other types of fitness programmes, pilates lends itself particularly well to an at home environment because it’s uniquely non-competitive and also encourages you to be full of mindfulness on the mat, which means that you don’t necessarily need to lean on the support of others in the moment.

Outside of that, we have our TLC Facebook Community Group where we connect for support, motivation and inspiration.  This is a wonderful community who will cheer you every step of the way to reach your pilates goals!

So whether you’re just getting started with an at-home workout practice, or have been at it for a while and are looking for some extra motivation to set yourself up for success, the tips below will help you to stay on track and get the results you signed up for!

Tip #1: Wear what you feel most comfortable in

The beauty of home workouts is you don’t have to get dressed in the latest activewear to get on the mat!  You can wear whatever you want!

I’ve been known to work out in my pajamas and you’ll often see me on Instagram sneaking in 10 minutes of pilates here and there in my jeans!

Some days jeans are fine but on other days changing into actual workout clothes gives me a boost that encourages me to show up with more intention and focus on my mat.

Remember in The Lifetonic Club we’re on the mat to tune into how we feel, so pay attention to this during your workouts, and choose to wear something that works best for you!

And definitely don’t be fooled by the influencers on Instagram who make it look as though you need to have dropped several thousands of pounds in Sweaty Betty to ‘look’ the part.

You don’t.

Tip #2: Create at-home workout triggers

In The Lifetonic Club I talk a lot about using triggers to help motivate and encourage you to get on the mat.  These can be especially useful with an at-home practice.

I often encourage our members to try and create a small space that they use just for their pilates practice.  This space can act as your visual trigger to get on the mat.

The more you do pilates in this space, the more you associate this space with pilates. This can serve as a powerful way to ‘anchor’ the practice in your brain and help you to develop the habit of getting on your mat.

And if that doesn’t work for you, you can also just keep your mat rolled up somewhere you can see it. This is something I’ve done for years to remind me that those positive, feel good vibes are only a 15 minute workout away.

And this isn’t just a crazy idea – research shows that if you are looking to integrate a new habit into your life, then you need to make the cue, (in this case your mat), a big part of your environment.


Tip #3: Think simplicity

It’s easy to think that you need all kinds of equipment at home to get a good workout but that simply isn’t true! We’ve found in The Lifetonic Club that the more simple you keep your routine, the more likely you are to stay consistent – and consistency leads to results.

Nearly all of the workouts within The Lifetonic Club use your bodyweight to build strength and don’t require expensive equipment or an elaborate set up.

So if you want to stick with your routine for more than a few days – keep it simple.


Tip #4: Have a plan

In The Lifetonic Club, members benefit from a clear plan and calendar to follow from home, helping them to skip decision fatigue.  When you are busy and feeling a little low on energy, not having a plan can be a real barrier to getting on your mat at home.

Also, a quick search on YouTube and Instagram will pull up thousands of free workouts and it’s hard to know where to start (and also who’s qualified to teach what!).

Each month in TLC, I put a calendar together so as members know what to do each day, how long they are going to need and how they can track their results.  

If you’re a member of The Lifetonic Club, then you’ll also benefit from the coaching I provide inside our private Facebook Group.  I go live  2 to 3 times a week where I teach you all about movement, motivation and mindset.   All the things that I love and that help drive a successful at home practice that’s going to get you those all important results. 

I’m also working towards both my qualification in stress management and wellbeing and my Level 4 pilates (always busy!), so I’m in the Group regularly sharing ALL my learnings to help you build strength, lower those stress levels and help you feel great in ways that will bring about those long term results.

Ready to build your own at-home practice? 

Then join over 400 others who have completed my easy (and FREE), 21 days of pilates challenge to see if it’s for you.

Each workout is only 10 minutes and everything is delivered straight to your inbox to do in your own time.

Just sign up below to get started today!

I’ll see you on your mat soon

Love Julie x

Improving your metabolic health

Hi friends

As we start to transition out of lockdown (hurrah!), we’re turning our attention to how we can proactively support our immune system to protect us from infection simply by boosting our metabolic health! 

Don’t worry – I’m going to break down exactly what I mean by this, and why focusing on good metabolic health is important now more than ever before.

Let’s start by looking at what metabolic health actually is.

A photo of anti inflammatory food to promote good metabolic health.

What is metabolic health?

Simply put, metabolic health is the state of balance the body maintains between storing fat and burning it for energy. When this balance is disrupted, your health is adversely affected.

It’s measured using 5 markers:

You are considered to have metabolic syndrome when you fail to meet three of the five markers.

Poor metabolic health is directly linked to the development of:

If you have metabolic syndrome, you are also more susceptable to complications from infections.   

This became hugely apparent during the coronavirus pandemic, when researchers were able to link those who were overweight and suffering from conditions associated with (but not exclusively to) obesity, with a significant increased risk of complications and death, from covid-19 AND other infections.

Let’s dig deeper here…

In March 2020 data from Italy revealed that 99% of those that had died from coronavirus had been suffering from at least one chronic condition, whilst in Wuhan, China research published in leading science journal Lancet, showed that 60% of those that died had high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes.

All markers of poor metabolic health.

Causes of poor metabolic health

One of the most significant causes of poor metabolic health in both adults AND children is sugar.

Glucose is necessary to provide energy for all the cells in your body and can even make it all by itself! 

Insulin is the hormone used to regulate your blood sugar levels.  However, when we flood our body with excessive amounts of sugar we block the effects of this hormone which leads to insulin resistance. This means the sugar in our body goes unregulated and leads directly to type 2 diabetes.

What’s so bad about sugar?

Sugar has no nutritional value whatsoever and optimum consumption for health is zero. Translation – your diet should be refined sugar free as much as humanly possible. 

Sugar is the number one dietary factor driving tooth decay, chronic pain and hospital admissions in young children.

When it comes to poor metabolic health, it’s one of the main dietary culprits when consumed in excess.  The World Health Organisation (WHO) now recommends a ideal maximum limit per day of no more that 6 teaspoons in total, which includes all added sugar in foods, sugar in fruit juice, smoothies, honey and syrups.  The average UK citizen is still consuming at least two or three times the maximum recommended limit.

As we’ve learned, too much sugar in your blood can lead to insulin resistance, chronic inflammation and type 2 diabetes, aka metabolic syndrome, which puts you in a high risk population when it comes to fighting infections.

The role of a healthy lifestyle in preventing metabolic syndrome

The good news is, metabolic health is optimised by a healthy lifestyle and The Lifetonic Club is specifically designed to help you achieve this in simple and achievable ways, so you’re in the right place!

Even better news, is that poor metabolic health is completely preventable if you follow a few simple steps, like the ones I’ve rounded up below for you:

A Harvard Medical School infographic showing anti-inflammatory foods.
An image of a lady on the beach doing pilates to improve her metabolic health

Take a step back and look at small ways you can start to adopt healthy changes into your life and to intentionally care for your body and mind.

Pick ONE thing from the above list and work with this for a month or two.  Then look to add on, finding things that are going to work for you and your lifestyle long term; remember, it’s the small things that add up and you are much more likely to adopt habits longer term if you work them in slowly and get used to them.

I’m so excited to work on this Lifetonic with you this month! Please share in our TLC Facebook Group what one thing you are going to focus on and some recipes you plan to try to help reduce inflammation from your bundles.

Have a great month!

Love Julie x

P.S. If you want to follow a 21 day day plan to boost your immunity, then you can get this book by Dr. Aseem Malhotra called The 21 Day Immunity Plan.


Don’t forget to download your May Mindtonic for added inspiration:

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