Ready to strengthen your body and relax your mind in as little as 10 minutes per day?
Then join over 400 others in my FREE online challenge – 21 Days of Pilates!
I developed this free online challenge so as you can experience the incredible benefits of pilates + improve your health in a simple and fun way!
It’s super easy to take part – just keep reading…
- Sign up below for your starter kit and checklist
- Roll out your mat and hit play on your first workout
- After that, expect one 10 minute video per day straight to your inbox
- Complete your video in your own time
- Check off your workouts each day to keep yourself motivated
- Celebrate your progress along the way
Voila! Told you it was easy!
Don’t worry if you skip a day – our challenge is all about progress not perfection and you can jump back in at any point. It’s a simple way to either learn pilates or get back into your practice if you’ve been away from it for a while.
For extra motivation, why not consider asking a friend to join you so as you can keep each other accountable? Just share this link with them.
Don’t forget to leave me a thumbs up or comment on the video each day so as I can cheer you on!
To join the FREE online challenge just sign up below:
I can’t wait to see you on the mat and in my community soon!
Love Julie x
P.S. Wondering if shorter pilates workouts actually work? read this blog post written by Carrie who is a member of my unique pilates membership The Lifetonic Club.